The Navarra Center for International Development is a research center which consists of an interdisciplinary team of economists, political scientists, journalists, historians and urbanists.
We strive to alleviate extreme poverty in the world’s poorest countries by focusing on evidence-based research with a macro and micro approach. Our main areas of study are conflict, governance, education, democracy, urban planning and institution building, amongst others. To do that, we use techniques such as regression discontinuity, fractional co-integration, difference-in-difference, etc.
"Since 1975, a significant share of urban population growth in Sub-Saharan Africa has occurred in small towns"
Victoire Girard, (Research faculty, Nova SBE, Research fellow of the Fundação para a Ciência e a Tecnologia - CEEC-IND 2022-2028) visited the NCID to give a seminar entitled “Golden towns? Artisanal mining and urbanization in Africa".
Our areas of work
Our research
Mohamed Saleh, economista: "El auge del colonialismo consolidó el papel de Medio Oriente como exportador de productos primarios durante el siglo XIX, lo que debilitó sus intentos de industrialización"
El investigador de la London School of Economics (LSE) impartió en el Instituto Cultura y Sociedad el seminario "Religious Competition
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Tim Besley: "Luchar contra el cambio climático es compatible con el crecimiento económico"
El economista Tim Besley ha ofrecido una conferencia en la Fundación Ramón Areces organizada junto al Navarra Center for International
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David Evans: "La pobreza en Latinoamérica es un problema que todavía es muy importante, especialmente para los jóvenes"
El economista David Evans participó en el II Spanish Workshop in Development Economics celebrado en el Instituto de Cultura y sociedad
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Country by Country Reports
The NCID country reports are a collection of the major economic, social and political indicators together with a set of special topics relative to each country, intended to provide a holistic understanding of the opportunities and emerging trends. In-depth analysis is conducted by the researchers at the NCID, who reference and link reliable international and local sources, where readers can find further information if desired. Each country is updated every two years maximum.