Avocados: Mexico’s green gold. The impact of the U.S. opioid crisis on Mexico’s drug cartel violence
Authors: Itzel De Haro López
Jel Clasification: K42, O12, O13, O17, Q17
N° Pages: 71
Welfare Eligibility Manipulation: Evidence From Georgia
Authors: Brendon McConnell, Jaime Millán-Quijano
Jel Clasification: H53, I38/p>
N° Pages: 45
Do Homebuyers Value Energy Efficiency? Evidence From an Information Shock
Authors: Arpita Ghosh, Brendon McConnell y Jaime Millán-Quijano
Jel Clasification: R38, Q48, K32
N° Pages: 50
Do Cooperatives Exercise Market Power?
Authors: Federico M. Accursi, Raúl Bajo-Buenestado
Jel Clasification: D22, H22, H32, L21, L29, P13
N° Pages: 50
Rule of Law, Economic and Political Freedom: Conceptualization and Measurement
Authors: Ignacio Campomanes
Jel Clasification: O43, E02, P16, K10, H11
N° Pages: 38
How Labels and Vouchers Shape Unconditional Cash Transfers? Experimental Evidence from Georgia
Authors: Miguel Ángel Borrella Mas, Jaime Millán-Quijano, Anastasia Terskaya
Jel Clasification: D04, I24, I38, O12
N° Pages: 37
Government Intervention and Collective Action: Induced Interaction Can Build Coordination
Authors: David Echeverry Pérez
Jel Clasification: C92, D91, D78, D83, Z13
N° Pages: 51
Structural Identification of Social Preferences: Heterogeneity Matters for Incentives
Authors: David Echeverry Pérez y María Cristina Figueroa
Jel Clasification: C51, C93, D63, H41, Q20
N° Pages: 50
Monetary policy invariance, hysteresis, and optimal inflation
Authors: Mirko Abbritti, Agostino Consolo and Sebastian Weber
Jel Classification: E24, E3, E5, O41, J64
N° Pages: 42
Can Information and Alternatives to Irregular Migration Reduce “Backway” Migration from The Gambia?
Authors: Tijan Bah, Catia Batista, Flore Gubertand David McKenzie
Jel Classification: O15, F22, J61
N° Pages: 65
Quality Matters: Power Reliability and Grid Connection in Rural Guatemala
Authors: Federico M. Accursi
Jel Classification: Q49, D10, O10
N° Pages: 40
Market competition and the adoption of clean technology: evidence from the taxi industry
Authors: Luis Alberiko Gil-Alaña AND Samuel Chibuzor
Jel Classification: C12, C13, C22
N° Pages: 36
Market competition and the adoption of clean technology: evidence from the taxi industry
Authors: Ignacio Campomanes
Jel Classification: E24, E62, 043, P16
N° Pages: 33
Market competition and the adoption of clean technology: evidence from the taxi industry
Authors: Raúl Bajo-Buenestado, Miguel Ángel Borrella Mas
Jel Classification: D22, K32, L20, 030, 033, Q55, R11
N° Pages: 48
Can Information and Alternatives to Irregular Migration Reduce “Backway” Migration from The Gambia?
Authors: Tijan Bah, Catia Batista, Flore Gubertand David McKenzie
Jel Classification: O15, F22, J61
N° Pages: 65
Detection of Trend Types in Surface Air Temperature in China
Authors: Xinxin Li, Yan-Fang Sang, Bellie Sivakumar, Luis Alberiko Gil-Alaña
N° Pages: 34
Time Trends and Persistence in European Temperature Anomalies
Authors: Jacopo Lenti, Luis Alberiko Gil-Alaña
N° Pages: 36
Liquidity constraints and free post-secondary education. Evidence from Colombia
Authors: Jaime Millán-Quijano, Luis Fernando Gamboa
Jel Classification: I26, C36, J21
N° Pages: 38
Parental Human Capital Investment Responses to Children’s Disability
Authors: Anastasia Terskaya
Jel Classification: D13, I12, I14, J13, J14
N° Pages: 31
Oiling up the field. Forced internal displacement and the expansion of palm oil in Colombia
Authors: Jaime Millán-Quijano, Sebastián Pulgarín
Jel Classification: D74, F14, O13, O15, Q17
N° Pages: 32