The political economy of inequality, mobility and redistribution
Ignacio P.Campomanes
Journal of Macroeconomics
Free riding in networks
Markus Kinateder; Luca Paolo Merlino
European Economic Review
Oiling up the field. Forced internal displacement and the expansion of palm oil in Colombia
Jaime Millán-Quijano; Sebastián Pulgarín
World Development
The effect of traffic cameras on police effort: Evidence from India
Prakarsh Singh; Emily Conover; Daniel Kraynak
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
The COVID-19 pandemic and the degree of persistence of US stock prices and bond yields
Luis Alberiko Gil-Alana; Guglielmo MariaCaporale; Carlos Poza
The Quarterly Review of Economics and Finance
The economics of change and stability in social trust: Evidence from (and for) Catalan secession
Miguel Ángel Borrella-Mas; Christan Bjørnskov; Martin Rode
Economics & Politics
Re-examination of risk-return dynamics in international equity markets and the role of policy uncertainty, geopolitical risk and VIX: Evidence using Markov-switching copulas
Luis Alberiko Gil-Alana; Emmanuel Joel Aikins Abakah; Aviral Kumar Tiwari; Imhotep Paul Alagidede
Finance Research Letters
On Price Dynamics with Search and Bargaining in the Product Market
Mirko Abbritti; Tommaso Trani
Macroeconomic Dynamics
Local public goods with weighted link formation
Markus Kinateder; Luca Paolo Merlino
Games and Economic Behavior
Pandemic episodes, CO2 emissions and global temperatures
Luis A. Gil-Alana; Manuel Monge
Theoretical and Applied Climatology
The heterogeneous tax pass-through under different vertical relationships
Raúl Bajo-Buenestado; Miguel Ángel Borrella-Mas
The Economic Journal
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