Malnutrition, a brake on development

One of Guatemala's main development challenges is chronic malnutrition: 46.5% of children under 5 years of age suffer from it, placing the country with the highest rate in Latin America and the sixth highest in the world. Good nutrition at the beginning of life and, in particular, during the 1,000 days between conception and the second year of a child's life, translates into greater growth, cognitive development and good health, guaranteeing short and long-term benefits. Likewise, its importance is closely linked to indicators related to the quality of life of countries, as well as its relationship with poverty levels. Although there have been plans and programs from the Government of Guatemala, these have not been entirely efficient in reducing malnutrition levels. However, there are international examples that show that this problem can be successfully combated and serve as an example for Guatemala to follow. These solutions require, mainly, a solid state articulation based on true leadership. The study highlights the need to address the problem from a scientific perspective to ensure a measurable and successful impact on child nutrition and development in Guatemala.


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El  Guatemala Country Report es una publicación del Navarra Center for International Development (NCID). 

Los Country Repors del NCID son una recopilación de los principales indicadores económicos, sociales y políticos junto con un conjunto de temas especiales relacionados con cada país, con la intención de proporcionar una comprensión holística de las oportunidades y tendencias emergentes. Parten de un análisis en profundidad a partir de fuentes internacionales y locales confiables, donde los lectores pueden encontrar más información si lo desean.

El Country Report de Guatemala se divide en los siguientes apartados:

  1. Datos generales
  2. Demografía
  3. Macroeconomía
  4. Comercio
  5. Finanzas públicas
  6. Mercados financieros
  7. Competitividad y negocios
  8. Educación
  9. Salud
  10. Estado de la democracia
  11. Debilitamiento institucional
  12. Migración
  13. Malnutrición
  14. Retos de Guillermo Lasso
  15. Trabajo del NCID-CINDERE

You can also check the interactive report by scanning the QR code: 


The  Guatemala Country Report is a publication by the Navarra Center for International Development (NCID). 

The NCID country reports are a collection of the major economic, social and political indicators together with a set of special topics relative to each country, intended to provide a holistic understanding of the opportunities and emerging trends. In-depth analysis is conducted by the researchers at the NCID, who reference and link reliable international and local sources, where readers can find further information if desired. Each country is updated every two years maximum.

Following is an index of the content found at The Guatemala Country Report:

  1. Country Overview
  2. Demography
  3. Macroeconomics
  4. Commerce
  5. Public Finances
  6. Financial Markets
  7. Competitiveness and Doing Business
  8. Education
  9. Health
  10. State of Democracy
  11. Institutional Weakness
  12. Migration
  13. Malnutrition
Jel Classification
Q49, D10, O10
N° Pages
Quality Matters: Power Reliability and Grid Connection in Rural Guatemala

Electrification rates have been increasing within low and middle-income countries. However, the prevalence of outages is still a relevant issue for rural households when considering whether to connect to the grid or not. We test this by exploiting a shock in quality that unequally affected different municipalities in Guatemala during 2012-2014. Our main estimates, which are robust to the use of an instrumental variable strategy, suggest that households affected by severe outages are about 18-27p.p. less likely to get a connection to the grid. We further check this result by combining household-level data from the 2018 Census with a complete register of electricity quality service. Although 2018 was a good year in terms of quality, 1p.p. increase in the number of outage hours affected the probability of connection by 2.5p.p. Efforts to expand the electricity grid to rural areas should thus be analyzed in parallel with actual power grid quality levels.

power reliability; energy access; rural households; Instrumental Variables; Latin America


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