
State effectiveness, well-being and development

State effectiveness, well-being and development

The Navarra Center for International Development organizes the Workshop on Freedom, Democracy and Economic Performance in the 21st Century. The keynote speaker will be Tim J. Besley (London School of Economics and Political Science).

Professor Sir Tim Besley is School Professor of Economics and Political Science and W. Arthur Lewis Professor of Development Economics in the Department of Economics at LSE. He is also a member of the National Infrastructure Commission. He is a Fellow of the Econometric Society and British Academy and a Foreign Honorary Member of the American Economic Association and the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. His main research interests are in political economy and development.

How to build and maintain states that promote the prosperity and well-being of their citizens remains a central challenge. This presentation will discuss what we understand about drivers of state effectiveness and the different experiences around the world. It will then discuss some of the contemporary challenges that states face such as climate change, security threats and political fragmentation, and the prospects for effective responses to them.



18:30 h Registration
19:00 h Welcome
Daniel Santín, Universidad Complutense de Madrid
19:05 h Presentation
Raúl Bajo Buenestado, Navarra Center for International Development, ICS, Universidad de Navarra
19:15 h State effectiveness, well-being and development
Tim Besley, London School of Economics
20:00 h Discussion

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25 November 2024




Fundación Ramón Areces