November 21, 2018
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Posted by NCID
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Primož Kovačič was the third and last speaker of the NCID Workshop on Urban Issues in Development Countries. His speech, titled Digitally Enabled Collective Action in Nairobi’s Informal Settlements, was about the job of his company, Spacial Collective, which works together with local actors in Nairobi to map slums and create information in areas forgotten by the government.

In the conference, Kovačič explained that they us...

November 20, 2018
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Posted by NCID
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The second speaker at the NCID Workshop on Urban Issues in Developing Countries was Prof. Belén Gesto, director at the Instituto de Cooperación en Habitabilidad Básica (ICHaB). On her presentation, titled Urban Expansion, Challenges and Responses from the Basic Habitability Approach, she focused on handling data and explaining what basic habitability is. “More than 50% of the urban population in Sub-Saharan Africa live in sl...

November 19, 2018
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Posted by NCID
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Prof. Reinhard König, who teaches Computational Architecture at Bauhaus-University Weimar, was the first speaker at the NCID Workshop on Urban Issues in Developing Countries. His presentation focused on how to use artificial intelligence for urban planning in Africa. König spoke about the different programmes and tools and the importance of digital planning with a network analysis that helps decode spaces and create a toolbox f...
