November 20, 2017
Activities /
Posted by NCID

In Nigeria, English is the official language. Thus, making it essential for education, documentation and communication in formal settings. Yet out of the 185 million people living in the country, about 70 million speak Hausa as a first language, 28 million use Yoruba as a mother language and there are 24 million Igbo native speakers. In total, there are over 520 languages spoken across Nigeria. “The bigger the diversity, the more difficult it is to reach a compromise, so the status-quo remains, the colonial language that imposes a high cost on its citizens,” said Dr. Rajesh Ramachandran...

November 17, 2017
Media Appearances /
Posted by NCID

Este artículo fue publicado originalmente el 17 de noviembre de 2017 en la sección Planeta Futuro del diario El País. El autor es el investigador junior del Navarra Center for International Development David Soler Crespo. A continuación se reproduce parcialmente el artículo. Puede consultar el artículo original aquí.

Buscar algo de privacidad entre cañas de azúcar, árboles y paredes frías. Se encuentra el sitio, se hace y se limpia con agua, a m...

October 31, 2017
Activities /
Posted by NCID

Imagine that a baguette costs 1 USD. Three months later, you go to the same shop to buy the exact same baguette and the person at the counter asks for 1.85 USD. Suddenly, you can’t afford a baguette. Even if you could, that is the money you had budgeted for other primary needs. Far from being fiction, this happened in Haiti, where the price of grain increased up to 85 percent in 2008. The food crisis led to violent protests, as people couldn’t afford to eat, and eventually concluded with the ousting of the prime minister. 

Price shocks affect food security in many poor re...
