IE Business School Professor of Economics Rafael Pampillón has presented his new book 'When voters lose patience. Radical cases of economic policy'. Also participating in the event were Luis Ravina, director of the NCID, and Emili J. Blasco, professor of International Relations at the University of Navarra, who discussed with Pampillón the economic consequences of the conflict in Ukraine.
The author of the book, Rafael Pampillón, told in his presentation that economic crises throughout history ...
As of 2021, around 800 million people across the developing world lack access to electricity. Even though enabling universal access to electricity by 2030 is the UN's Sustainable Development Goal #7, and despite the efforts of many institutions, NGOs, and private parties to reduce energy poverty, achieving this goal remains a costly challenge. Moreover, traditional methods of electricity generation often involve the use of fossil fuels which contribute to climate change.
The researcher Raúl Bajo-Buenestado spoke about this issue in an i...
Este reportaje fue originalmente publicado el 20 de febrero de 2022 en El País Planeta Futuro. Los autores son los investigadores junior del NCID Javier Larequi y Ángela Abascal. Puede consultar el artículo original aquí.
Joy Albert se fue a la cama el viernes 28 de enero en su hogar de Port...