October 15, 2012
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Posted by NCID
Video Pills: 

Pamplona. October 15th, 2012.

Climent Quintana-Domeque (Ph.D. Princeton University) is Associate Professor at the University of Alicante. During his visit to the NCID, Quintana-Domeque presented his paper, “Paving Streets for the Poor: Experimental Analysis of Infrastructure Effects, which focused on the role of infrastructure in in the active reduction of poverty. In this paper, he explains how Acayucan, a city in Mexico, increased its level of consumption after the implementation of a pavement program designed by the regional government. Quintana-Domeque concluded tha...

October 08, 2012
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Posted by NCID
Video Pills: 

Pamplona. October 8th, 2012.

Iliana Olivié (Ph.D. Complutense University) works as a researcher for the Real Instituto Alcano. Olivié provided the group with an in-depth analysis about one of her latest research papers: “Opening the Black Box of FDI and Development.†Her presentation focused on the role played by the foreign direct investment (FDI) in the development of host countries. By proposing an analytical framework, she explained the complex and indirect linkages between the FDI and development. This included facets, such as employment and access to good and ...

September 24, 2012
Activities /
Posted by NCID

Pamplona September 24th, 2012.

Ernesto Villanueva (Ph.D. Northwestern University of Chicago) works as a researcher for the Banco de España. During the NCID Seminar, Villanueva presented an in-depth analysis about one of his latest research papers, “Consumption and initial mortgage conditionsâ€. His presentation focused on initial mortgage conditions and their effects on the consumption behaviour of home-owners in Spain. By using a data set based on the Spanish Survey on Household Finances, Villanueva examined the relationship between household consumption and factors,...
