Wayne Sandholtz, originally from the United States and currently a resident member of NOVAFRICA visited NCID to give a seminar entitled “Secondary School Access Raises Primary School Achievement in Tanzania”. The speaker explained that when school fees are abolished for secondary education it results in more kids going to school.
Our guest saw an opportunity in Tanzania`s 2015 policy change in which secondary school fees were abolished. He started his paper based on the following question: “Are there student...
Tijan Bah, Resident Fellow of the Navarra Center for International Development (NCID) at the University of Navarra, has been selected in the World Bank's Young Professionals Program to work at the Bank's headquarters in Washington for the next five years. This is a very competitive program that each year selects 50 candidates from all over the world. This year, 6,000 applicants applied.
The Atlantic Council’s Freedom and Prosperity Center and the Acton Institute have awarded Ignacio P. Campomanes, resident fellow of the Navarra Center for International Development at the Institute Culture and Society in the University of Navarra, a Freedom and Prosperity Academic Grant to finance a research project titled “Paths to Prosperity: Interactions between Rule of Law, Economic and Political Freedom”. These grant...