January 25, 2023
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Posted by NCID
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Dalila Bernardino, Ph.D. Candidate in Economics at the European University Institute (EUI) in Florence) visited NCID to give a seminar entitled "The Effect of a Conditional Cash Transfer on Child Marriage: Evidence from Mexico." In her paper, she uses Mexican data to evaluate the effect of a conditional cash transfer program on child marriage. Since the late 90s, the program consisted of a transfer to poor mothers, provided their children attended school regularly.

The program led to increases in child marriage. Bernardino explained, "Th...

December 15, 2022
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Posted by NCID
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Italian researcher from McGill University, Francesco Amodio, visited NCID to give a seminar entitled "Labor Market Power, Self-employment, and Development." His paper tries to compare the labor markets in lower-income countries with those of high-income countries. "there are few things that stand out: in poor countries, we typically see in the average local labor market a small number of organizations that are hiring workers, and at the same time a lot of workers pursue self-employment precisely because wages are low, or wages opportunity are scars.


December 14, 2022
Media Appearances /
Posted by NCID

Este artículo fue originalmente publicado el 14 de diciembre de 2022 en El País Planeta Futuro. Los autores son el investigador junior del NCID Luis A. Brito y Javier Larequi. Puede consultar el artículo original aquí. Imagen de ANADOLU AGENCY VIA GETTY IMAGES

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