October 03, 2021
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Posted by NCID

Mirko Abbritti, Resident Fellow at the Navarra Center for International Development, has been one of the experts who participated in the review of the European Central Bank's monetary policy strategy. The last time that a review was carried out was in 2003 and the new strategy, approved at the beginning of July 2021, has thirteen different lines of work focused on relevant issues such as climate change, digitalization or inflation.

The changes produced after t...

August 17, 2021
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Posted by NCID

Remittances from abroad account for an average of 10% of GDP in the Central American region, an important source of income despite varying drastically between countries –– in El Salvador it represented 20.9% of GDP while in Costa Rica it was 0.84% in 2019––. The economic importance of remittances means that unforeseen external phenomena such as the coronavirus pandemic put the expected income of the Central American nations at risk. A reliable model is necessary to be able to project the flow of remittances and reduce uncertainty for the monetary authorities and national budgets of ...

July 27, 2021
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Posted by NCID

The NCID Resident Fellow Tijan Bah organized a day's workshop in The Gambia to talk to stakeholders about his project on the intentions of Gambian youth to irregulary migrate to Europe. The research project intends to give information to youngsters on the risk of travelling and offer vocational training programmes to the youth.

The researcher has also analized how the coronavirus pandemic has affected the intentions to migrate: "We have found that migration intention to both Europe and especially to Senegal decreased. Those who were unsure pre covid-19 and poor indi...
