December 20, 2021
Video pills /
Posted by NCID
Video Pills: 

It is an informative, descriptive and awareness-raising campaign on the main challenges facing Guatemala. The campaign was carried out during the months of May, July, August and October in partnership with the Connected Cities Foundation, PNUD and CINDERE-NCID.

December 09, 2021
Media Appearances /
Posted by NCID

Este artículo fue originalmente publicado el 9 de diciembre de 2021 en El País Planeta Futuro. Los autores son la investigadora del NCID Ángela Abascal y el colaborador David Soler. Puede consultar el artículo original aquí.

El pasado 9 de octubre, Rukia Godana se levantó de la cama como cualquier otro día. Era sábado, por lo que no tenía que llevar a sus hij...

December 07, 2021
News /
Posted by NCID

CINDERE and NCID have transmitted more than one million awareness-raising messages on malnutrition, health and education in an information campaign on the challenges facing Guatemala together with the Connected Cities Foundation. 

The campaign, called ¡Guatemala, el futuro es hoy!, was carried out during the months of May, July, August and October and consisted of presenting in a clear, concise and descriptive way the great challenges facing Guatemala from the perspective of research for development.

