Goal 11: Make cities inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
- The geography of linguistic diversity and the provision of public goods
- Searching for religious discrimination among childcare workers
- Real estate prices in Kenya. Is there a bubble?
- Persistence, Mean-Reversion and Non-Linearities in the US Housing Prices over 1830-2013
- Comovement in Euro area housing prices: A fractional cointegration approach
- Modelling long memory behavior in US housing volatility
- US disposable personal income and house prices index. A fractional integration analysis
Country reports
- Mass Emigration and Human Capital over a Century: Evidence from the Galician Diaspora
- Political Voice and Prosociality Evidence from a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment in Uganda
- Diffusion of Rival Information in the Field
- Flight from Urban Blight: Lead Poisoning, Crime and Suburbanization
- Small Teams in Big Cities: Inequality, City Size and the Organization of Production
- Africa, a reality with future
- VIII NCID Research Workshop on Development Economics
- Keeping Up with the Joneses: Ranking Effects on Effort, Cooperation, and Firm Performance
- NCID Workshop: Urban Issues In Developing Countries
- In Search of a Spatial Equilibrium in the Developing World
- Social Diversity and Bridging Identity
- Desarrollo de un barrio informal como mecanismo de integración a la ciudad formal: Caso de Pamplona, Lima
- Participación ciudadana en los procesos de regeneración urbana
- Inês Vilela (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): Diffusion of Rival Information in the Field
- Christoph Albert (CEMFI): Immigration and Spatial Equilibrium: The Role of Expenditures in the Country of Origin
- Ramón Gil-Casares: "Los cambios violentos nunca han funcionado, hay que apoyar a los jóvenes"
- Alex Armand presents paper at Barcelona GSE Summer Forum
- Information in hands of all the community helps to break the natural resource curse
- Innovative investigations presented at the 8th NCID Research Workshop
- La ‘maldición de los recursos’: una paradoja solucionable
- Primož Kovačič: "We need to integrate the slums into the formal grid of the cities"
- Belén Gesto: "Every year 70 million more people live at slums"
- Reinhard König: "We try to combine the human and machine intelligence"
- NCID workshop analyzes cutting-edge research on urban issues in developing countries
- World Urbanism Day: "90% of people in South Sudan and CAR live in informal settlements"
- "Hasta un 90% de las personas de países en desarrollo vive en áreas sin servicios", asegura una investigadora de la UN
- Upcoming NCID Workshop on Urbanism in Developing Countries
- Cities
- Manila: megacity, mega traffic
- “This communication between individuals led to change in behavior and in particular this kind of social learning led to an increase in contributions”