Goal 10: Reduce inequality within and among countries
- The geography of linguistic diversity and the provision of public goods
- The ASEAN economic community. Do its members form an integrated trading economy? An analysis based on fractional integration and cointegration
- Long memory and mean reversion in real exchange rates in Latin America
- Exchange rate linkages between the ASEAN currencies, the USD and the Chinese RMB
- Searching for inefficiencies in exchange rate dynamics
- Inflation convergence in Central and Easter Europe vs. the Eurozone: Non-linearities and long memory
- Regime-switching purchasing power parity in Latin America: Monte Carlo unit root test with dynamic conditional score
- Optimal know-how transfers in licensing contracts
- Inflation Convergence in the East Africa Community
- Exchange Rate Dynamics and Monetary Unions in Africa: A Fractional Integration and Cointegration Analysis
- Currency Union in the East African Community. A fractional integration Approach
- Complementarity in firm-level innovation stategies: a comparative study of Kenya and Nigeria
- Testing PPP for the South African Rand/US Dollar Real Exchange Rate at Different Data Frequencies
- Business Cycle Fluctuations, Large Macroeconomic Shocks, and Development Aid
- Unit Taxes and Ad Valorem Taxes with Vertically Differentiated Products
Book Review
Country reports
- Mass Emigration and Human Capital over a Century: Evidence from the Galician Diaspora
- Political Voice and Prosociality Evidence from a Lab-in-the-Field Experiment in Uganda
- Diffusion of Rival Information in the Field
- Irrigation vs education: The long-run effects of opium cultivation in British India
- 1st NCID Workshop on Migration
- Africa, a reality with future
- VIII NCID Research Workshop on Development Economics
- Misallocation of State Capacity? Evidence from Two Million Primary Schools
- NCID Workshop: Urban Issues In Developing Countries
- Place-specific Determinants of Income Gaps: New Sub-National Evidence from Chiapas, Mexico
- 7th NCID Research Workshop
- In Search of a Spatial Equilibrium in the Developing World
- The Political Economy of Inequality, Mobility and Redistribution
- Small Teams in Big Cities: Inequality, City Size and the Organization of Production
- Trade Credit and Borrower Outside Option - Evidence from Colonial Taiwan
- "Kinship Taxation as a Constraint to Microenterprise Growth: Experimental Evidence from Kenya"
- "Does Financial Inclusion Exclude? The Effect of Access to Savings on Informal Risk-Sharing in Kenya"
- "Income Hiding and Informal Redistribution: A Lab-in-the-Field Experiment in Senegal"
- Disruptive Effects of Preferential Incentives: Evidence from Field experiments in Indian Universities
- Democracy versus diversity: Ethnic representation in a devolved Kenya
- Networks and Misallocation: Insurance, Migration, and the Rural-Urban Wage Gap
- "AHORRAR PARA APRENDER". Un enfoque alternativo para la inclusión socio-económica en la base de la pirámide
- Tijan Bah (Nova SBE): Why do People Migrate Irregularly? Evidence from a Lab in the Field Experiment
- Martín Fernández-Sánchez: Mass Emigration and Human Capital over a Century: Evidence from the Galician Diaspora
- Jonathan Lehne (Paris School of Economics): Irrigation vs education: The long-run effects of opium cultivation in British India
- El proyecto de una unión económica y monetaria en África
- Catia Batista (Universidade Nova de Lisboa): Why do People Migrate Irregularly? Evidence from a Lab in the Field Experiment in West Africa
- Mariapia Mendola (Università di Milano-Bicocca): International Migration Intentions and Illegal Costs: Evidence from Africa-to-Europe Smuggling Routes
- NCID Workshop on Migration: how, why and where migrants travel and live in their destination country
- África se mueve: así cambia el continente en el siglo XXI
- Carlos Reyes: "En Nigeria crecen más niños que en toda Europa Occidental"
- Blanca Moreno-Dodson: "La solución debe ser desarrollar la zona rural"
- Ainhoa Marín: “África no es un país pero podría ser un mercado único”
- Stefan Dercon: Africa's development: present and future opportunities
- Cultural proximity determines the wealth of nations, but societies can run-over history
- Current development in each region reflects the characteristics of its first settlers
- Innovative investigations presented at the 8th NCID Research Workshop
- Historical ties affect countries development, but societies can put down those barriers
- Primož Kovačič: "We need to integrate the slums into the formal grid of the cities"
- Belén Gesto: "Every year 70 million more people live at slums"
- World Urbanism Day: "90% of people in South Sudan and CAR live in informal settlements"
- Chiapas: How the poorest region in Mexico places a burden on its citizens
- Is it time for investment in Africa?
- An adequate distribution of wealth is needed to reverse protectionism movements
- Wealth distribution is important in economies with financial frictions
- El FMI advierte del riesgo de «ignorar la desigualdad» en la recuperación económica
- Large income gaps between urban and rural areas can not be explained by disamenities
- Social mobility fosters higher taxes and more redistribution in societies
- Big cities vs Small cities: a minimum wage rise in big metropolis increases income inequality
- Ethnic Diversity and the Provision of Public Goods
- Poverty and Inequality
- El crecimiento de la desigualdad entre grupos sociales puede poner en peligro la paz, según un economista italiano
- The growth of inequality between social groups might threaten global peace, says renowned Italian economist
- South African Parliament to review laws passed since the end of apartheid
- “Unjust inequalities are a concept of an unjust distribution of economic freedom”