Goal 16: Promote just, peaceful and inclusive societies
- Searching for religious discrimination among childcare workers
- Crude oil price behaviour before and after military conflicts and geopolitical events
- The Effects of Child Physical Maltreatment on Nutritional Outcomes: Evidence from Peru
- The Impact of Ethnic Violence in Kenya in Wheat and Maize Markets
Book Review
- It’s Our Turn to Eat: The Story of a Kenyan Whistleblower
- Armies Without Nations: Public Violence and State Formation in Central America, 1821-1960
- Liberation movements in power: party and state in Southern Africa
- The Square and the Tower: Networks and Power, from the Freemasons to Facebook
- War & Conflict in Africa
- The Unquiet Frontier: Rising Rivals, Vulnerable Allies, and the Crisis of American Power
- Peaceland: Conflict Resolution and the Everyday Politics of International Intervention
- Violence and Social Orders: A Conceptual Framework for Recorded Human History
- Why Nations Fail?
Country reports
- In Search of a Spatial Equilibrium in the Developing World
- Africa, a reality with future
- VIII NCID Research Workshop on Development Economics
- Preparing for Genocide: Quasi-Experimental Evidence from Rwanda
- Social Diversity and Bridging Identity
- Flight from Urban Blight: Lead Poisoning, Crime and Suburbanization
- Voting Corrupt Politicians Out of Office: Evidence from an Experiment in Paraguay
- Liberation Technology: Mobile Phones and Political Mobilization in Africa
- Accountability and Selection into Politics: Evidence from Peruvian Municipalities
- Food and Power: Agricultural Policy, Regime Type and Political Stability
- Family Networks and Distributive Politics
- Wartime Origins of Collective Action: Evidence from Angola
- You will hear of skirmishes and rumors of skirmishes: Mobile Communication Surrounding Political Violence
- “Hierarchy, Coups, and the Political Preferences of Army Officers”
- Epidemics and Conflict: Evidence from the Ebola outbreak in Western Africa
- Democracy versus diversity: Ethnic representation in a devolved Kenya
- "Indian Labor Regulations and the Cost of Corruption: Evidence from the Firm Size Distribution"
- Crony Capitalism as an Obstacle to Development
- Coronavirus en África
- Challenges of adopting coronavirus precautions in low-income countries
- "Boom" de ingresos y violencia armada: el caso del cultivo de palma en Colombia
- La incertidumbre en la lucha contra la impunidad en Guatemala
- África se mueve: así cambia el continente en el siglo XXI
- Abiy Ahmed, el Nobel de la Paz que intenta cambiar el rumbo de Etiopía
- Renovarse o morir: los movimientos de liberación del sur de África
- Desarrollo inclusivo
- Grace Obado: "En África a veces es más importante tener un buen líder que instituciones fuertes"
- Ramón Gil-Casares: "Los cambios violentos nunca han funcionado, hay que apoyar a los jóvenes"
- Burkina Faso: un oasis de seguridad convertido en polvorín del Sahel
- UNDP rewards the NCID-CINDERE project against gang violence in Guatemala
- Term limits can help promote African democracies. But they are no magic wand
- A New Years gift in the Horn of Africa?
- NCID researchers present papers at NBER, DIME World Bank
- World Radio Day: a project led by NCID researchers, published at El País Planeta Futuro
- World Radio Day 2018: words can be more powerful than weapons
- Coercive measures during the Ebola outbreak led to an increase in civil violence
- Community meetings fostered acceptance of violence prior to the 1994 Rwandan Genocide
- La radio puede acabar con la violencia
- Lead catalyzed violent crime and pushed citizens out of city centre in the U.S.
- Dr. Arinze Nwokolo presents his thesis on the economic effects of civil conflict in Nigeria
- Two NCID researchers receive a two-year grant from Fundación Ramón Areces for a study on the effects of radio messaging on armed group behavior
- Pepita Miquel-Florensa on Corruption in Paraguay
- "Do Criminally Accused Politicians Affect Economic Outcomes?"
- “Geopolitical interests shape decisions when investing in development projects”
- Making conflict-free minerals a reality in DR Congo
- When the security vs humanity debate goes far beyond Europe: The case of Kenya
- Las familias con redes de contactos consiguen más favores para acceder a bienes públicos, sugiere una investigación realizada en Filipinas
- Exposure to a new political system during wartime leads to higher participation after conlict
- “La amenaza del terrorismo aumenta la probabilidad de que una ideología extremista pueda llegar al gobierno”
- South African Parliament to review laws passed since the end of apartheid
- Tables Turned: How Kenya’s President has indicted the International Criminal Court
- The Philippine military buildup amid China tensions
- CEMFI researcher analyses the role of hierarchy and coups examining the case of Venezuela
- The challenges facing the new president of Guatemala
- Philippine Presidential Election Guide
- Project by Oxford scholar puts the contestation between diversity and democracy in Kenya into perspective