Goal 3: Ensure healthy lives and promote well-being for all at all ages
- Linguistic Fractionalization and Health Information in Sub-Saharan Africa
- Impact of caregiver incentives on child health: Evidence from an experiment with Anganwadi workers in India
- Incentives, information and malnutrition: Evidence from an experiment in India
- Persistence, Mean-Reversion and Non-Linearities in Infant Mortality Rates
- Do Public Health Interventions Crowd out Private Health Investments? Malaria Control Policies in Eritrea
- The Effects of Child Physical Maltreatment on Nutritional Outcomes: Evidence from Peru
- Performance pay and information: Reducing child undernutrition in India
Country reports
- Unintended Consequences of Infrastructure Development: Sewerage and Early-life Mortality in Peru
- “Food Security for Whom? The Effectiveness of Food Reserves in Poor Developing Countries”
- JS06/2016 "Hunger and nutrition: SDGs 2 and 3"
- Dust Exposure and Infant Mortality in West Africa
- "Financial Incentives are Counterproductive in Non-Profit Sectors: Evidence from a Health Experiment" Elise Huillery (SciencesPo)
- The Health Costs of Ethnic distance: Evidence from Sub-Saharan Africa
- Coronavirus en África
- Challenges of adopting coronavirus precautions in low-income countries
- Antonella Bancalari (LSE): Unintended Consequences of Infrastructure Development: Sewerage and Early-life Mortality in Peru
- Facing a Taboo With Historical Perspective
- "Hasta un 90% de las personas de países en desarrollo vive en áreas sin servicios", asegura una investigadora de la UN
- Se necesitan mujeres en política para reducir la mortalidad materna
- Cuando no entender el prospecto puede matar a tu hijo
- Coercive measures during the Ebola outbreak led to an increase in civil violence
- Lead catalyzed violent crime and pushed citizens out of city centre in the U.S.
- Tirar de la cadena puede salvar cientos de vidas cada día
- El fuel que mata miles de bebés cada año en Nigeria
- Joseph Gomes in voxEU piece: The more we mix, the better
- "In many developing countries, household conditional cash transfers (CCTs) produce positive public health results"
- Increasing maternity leave by four months increases the probability that children are successful students at the end of high school by 5%
- Seminar on incentivizing healthcare providers in DRC