Why are there rich countries and poor countries? This question is not answered in a few words, or in a unique way. Even from an economic view, which should be the most appropriate discipline to approach it, there are not enough answers looking at today. It is necessary to look at history.
Romain Wacziarg, professor of Economics at the University of California at Los Angeles, presented on April 5 in Madrid his findings on this topic. The conference, titled Historical Barriers to the Wealth of Nations, was organized by the Navarra Center for International Development - the think tan...
The call for papers for the 8th NCID Research Workshop on Development Economics is open until the 31st of January. Please submit your paper in this link. You will see the box on the right hand of the page. Please make sure your paper is related to this year's topic of Political Economy of Development.
This year's keynote speaker is Romain Wacziarg, Professor of Economics, since 2015 Hans Hufschmid Cha...
More than 200 million women, mainly in Africa, suffer female genital cutting (FGC), a practice rooted in some societies as a moral duty for women, and somehow as an assumed cultural habit. Apart from the international initiatives that aim to stop it, not everyone understands why does FGC persist. And answering to that is a must to face it.
That is why Dr. Lucia Corno, Assistant Professor of economics at the Catholic University of Milan, and her colleagues Eliana La Ferrara (Bocconi University), Nathan Nunn (Harvard University), and Alessandra Voe...