08 de Octubre, 2012
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Escrito por NCID
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Pamplona. October 8th, 2012.

Iliana Olivié (Ph.D. Complutense University) works as a researcher for the Real Instituto Alcano. Olivié provided the group with an in-depth analysis about one of her latest research papers: “Opening the Black Box of FDI and Development.” Her presentation focused on the role played by the foreign direct investment (FDI) in the development of host countries. By proposing an analytical framework, she explained the complex and indirect linkages between the FDI and development. This included facets, such as employment and access to good and ...

10 de Septiembre, 2012
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Escrito por NCID
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Pamplona. September 10th, 2012.

Oliver Jütersonke (Ph.D. Graduate Institute) is Head of Research for the Centre on Conflict, Development and Peacebuilding at The Graduate Institute (Geneva). After carrying out several projects in countries such as Madagascar or East Timor, Oliver is convinced that one of the main problems when providing aid to a developing country is that most international institutions withdraw their help when local institutions do not follow their same standards and quality checks. This is one of the main reasons why these countries ma...
