28 de Enero, 2014
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Escrito por NCID

Anna Tompsett from the University of Columbia presented a paper titled: "Bridges Transport Infrastructure and Economic Geography on the Mississippi and Ohio 1860-2000". “This paper is really about how infrastructure influences economic structure,” she said. “Governments and international markets will spend up to $45 billion between now and 2050 on infrastructure projects”, and after a pause for effect she continued, “85% of this will be in non-OECD countries...thESE ARE the developing countries.”

She originally extracted her data from the National Bridge Inve...

17 de Enero, 2014
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Escrito por NCID

Pedro Vicente, investigador no residente en el Centro de Desarrollo Internacional del Instituto Cultura y Sociedad dio un curso esta semana sobre Economía del Desarrollo en la Universidad de Navarra. Alumnos del Master en Economía y Finanzas además de estudiantes de otras carreras asistieron a este curso intensivo de ocho horas que se centraba en el estudio de los temas principales que propone la literatura de la economía del desarrollo.

Las clases abarcaron tres estrategias diferentes para abordar el tema del desarrollo y la lucha contra la pobreza: salud y educación, finanz...

15 de Enero, 2014
Noticias /
Escrito por NCID

Alex Armand of the University College London presented his research titled "Who wears the trousers in the family? Intra-household resource control, subjective expectations and human capital investment" at the NCID. The paper looked at the results of a conditional cash transfer program in the Republic of Macedonia. The aim of the program was to improve secondary school enrolment among children from poor households.

“Although earlier studies showed that targeting payments to mothers affects human capital investment, there is no clear consensus as to the precise mechanism...
