"Las políticas de represión no frenarán a los inmigrantes ilegales africanos: para ellos pesa más la expectativa de ganar mucho dinero en Europa". Así se expresó en la Universidad de Navarra Jean Louis Arcand, director del Centro de Finanzas y Desarrollo del Gradute Institute of International and Development Studies de Ginebra (Suiza). El experto impartió la sesión de apertura de la III Development Week, un congreso internacional sobre pobreza y desarrollo organizado por el Navarra Center for Internati...
Oded Stark, a Non-Resident Fellow at the Navarra Center for International Development, gave an intensive course entitled “Advanced Perspectives in the Analytics and Policy Design of Migration.” The course offered non-conventional approaches to the study of migration. One of several themes developed in the course was the interaction between relative deprivation and migration. Specifically, the course presented a theory of migration as a response to relative deprivation, and a theory of non-assimilation.
“Relative deprivation” codifies the feelings of individuals who ...
Pedro Mendi, Resident Fellow of the Navarra Center for International Development, was invited as a panelist at the United Nations Conference on Trade and Development (UNCTAD) Multi-Year Expert Meeting.
The event was titled “Investment, Innovation and Entrepreneurship for productive capacity-building and sustainable development” and took place at the Palais de Nations in Geneva. Pedro Mendi presented his paper on "The World Bank's Kenya Innovation ...