Este artÃculo fue publicado originalmente el 18 de mayo de 2018 en los diarios regionales de Vocento por la agencia de noticias Colpisa. En ella se cita el 7th NCID Research Workshop del Navarra Center for International Development. A continuación se reproduce parcialmente el artÃculo. Puede consultar el artÃculo original aquÃ.
Superados los peores momentos de la crisis y con una recuperación de la economÃa a escala global, el Fondo Monetario Int...
Fiscal policy, inequality and growth, migration's effect on GDP, Trump's commercial policy with China and stagnating salaries were only some of the topics debated yesterday at the round table which opened the 7th NCID Research Workshop. The event, which took place at the Fundación Ramón Areces, gathered three leading economists: Martin Uribe, Economics Professor at Columbia University, Pablo Guerrón-Quintana, Economics Professor at Boston College and Jonathan D. Ostry, Deputy Research Director at the International Monetary Fund. About 90 people enjoyed the discussion on current...
Rapid urbanization throughout the world has shown that people escape rural areas in search for better lives. The Oxford Poverty & Human Development Initiative estimates that one third of the population is poor. However, this ratio more than doubles in rural areas to 71.4%. Approximately three out of every four persons living in a small town or village are poor. What are the factors that influence the large gap in income between rural and urban ...