Sergio Daga, doctorando del Instituto Cultura y Sociedad de la Universidad de Navarra, pertenece al Navarra Center for International Development. En su tesis doctoral investiga sobre el impacto de las políticas de transferencias monetarias condicionadas (TMC) en el capital humano de algunos países de América Latina. Las TMC son transferencias de dinero que los gobiernos realizan a ciertos hogares condicionadas a que estos previamente inviertan en educación y salud, principalmente. En promedio, en América Latina la tasa de matriculación neta en secundaria no pasa del 50%: muc...
Doctoral student at the University of Navarre, Héctor Cárcel, delivered a seminar with NCID on the use of econometric techniques that study time series data and its applicability in analyzing macroeconomic variables in countries that belong to economic unions, as well as monetary or commercial unions.
“Our analysis is like the first x-ray after breaking a bone, that allows us to see when problems and success can possibly occur in country unions. With this first level of analysis political agents and economic leaders of said organizations can have a sound basis to form their pr...
Godfrey Madigu, doctoral student at the Navarra Center for International Development presented his paper “Informality, Entry and Welfare” co-authored with Pedro Mendi, Godfrey’s director of thesis and profesor at the Faculty of Economics in the University of Navarra. The presentation took place in early September at the the XXX Symposium of Industrial Economics of the University of Alicante.
The research avoids focusing on a spec...