19 de Febrero, 2016
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Escrito por NCID

Munir Squires from the London School of Economics presented his paper “Kinship Taxation as a Constraint to Microenterprise Growth: Experimental Evidence from Kenya” at the University of Navarra as part of the Navarra Center for International Development's Seminar Series.

“In poor countries a lot of the labor force works in very small firms. What is puzzling about this is that these firms have actually quite high returns”, said Munir in the beginning of the presentation. Furthermore, some studies, as he explained, show tha...

18 de Febrero, 2016
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Escrito por NCID

Luis Ravina, Director of the NCID, along with Juan Ángel Soto, NCID Research Assistant, visited South Africa in early February to strengthen the relationship with various entities in the country. The NCID carries out research for the eradication of poverty in the continent specifically in Mozambique, Kenya and South Africa.

One of the first meetings was with Temba Nolutshungu, Director of the Free Market Foundation (founded in 1975), an independent public service organisation that promotes and fosters an open society, the rule of law, personal liberty, and economic and press free...

16 de Febrero, 2016
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Escrito por NCID


The Speaker of the National Assembly, Ms. Baleka Mbete, announced on January 19 the establishing of a panel to review the effects of the laws adopted by the Parliament since the end of apartheid and the establishment of the majority rule in 1994. [[1]] The panel commits to work through public consultations and other forms of open participation, and it expects to submit the final report in 12 months. It is funded by the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and has 17 members, whose chair is former President Kgalem...
