23 de Marzo, 2016
Noticias /
Escrito por NCID

El centro, enmarcado en el ICS, ocupa el puesto 57 del Global Go To Think Tank Index Report del 2015, que analiza cerca de 7.000 instituciones en el mundo

El Global Go To Think Tank Index Report del 2015, elaborado por la Universidad de Pensilvania (EE. UU.), ha destacado al Navarra Center for International Development (NCID) del Instituto Cultura y Sociedad (ICS) entre los mejores think tanks del mundo. Se trata de la primera vez que el NCID figura en este ranking internacional.

El NCID, incluido en la  categoría de los mejores think...

23 de Marzo, 2016
Noticias /
Escrito por NCID

The Navarra Center for International Development (NCID) at the University of Navarra is accepting applications for an Assistant Professor (tenure-track position).  Applicants are expected to have a doctoral degree in Political Science, Government, or Political Economy and specialization in the fields of Development and/or Political Economy. Those with research experience in the sub-fields of migration, innovation and technology, politic...

22 de Marzo, 2016
Noticias /
Escrito por NCID

It has a been a number of years since mobile phone penetration rates began turning heads in development circles. Kenya, perhaps the most referenced country in regards to this statistic, reached 80% last year, which is still considered a low estimate by some. While this has brought significant cultural and economic changes, its supposed biggest dividend, transparency and better governance, has yet to be demonstrated for any su...
