22 de Marzo, 2016
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Escrito por NCID

It has a been a number of years since mobile phone penetration rates began turning heads in development circles. Kenya, perhaps the most referenced country in regards to this statistic, reached 80% last year, which is still considered a low estimate by some. While this has brought significant cultural and economic changes, its supposed biggest dividend, transparency and better governance, has yet to be demonstrated for any su...

21 de Marzo, 2016
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Escrito por NCID

"La pobreza ha disminuido en los últimos 25 años en 900 millones de personas, pero la desigualdad entre grupos sociales ha aumentado y previsiblemente va a crecer más. Esto puede poner en peligro la paz". Así se expresó en la Universidad de Navarra Stefano Zamagni, profesor de la Universidad de Bolonia y de la Universidad Johns Hopkins en Bolonia (Italia), y miembro del Pontificio Consejo de Justicia y Paz. El experto impartió la 

11 de Marzo, 2016
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Escrito por NCID

102 million people call an archipelago of 7,107 islands home. The Philippines tucked away in South East Asia is the 12th largest country in the world by population. In a 1903 census conducted by the then American colonial administration, found that the former Spanish (later American) colony was home to 8 million people spread throughout the archipelago. In a 2015 study by the National Economic Development Authority, the now independent Republic was found to be home to 105 million people. This represents a 1170% population jump in the last 113 years.

The Philippines, one...
